[Award] Assistant Professor KATO Chihiro, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science Received Paper Award
On Oct. 25, 2014, at Miyagi University (Miyagi prefecture), Assistant Professor KATO Chihiro, in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, received Paper Award in Japanese Society of Soil Physics Meeting (JSSP).
She explained, “I would like to use the system for crops and a research on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from soil as my next step.”
(http://nature.cc.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/ in Japanese)
The award
Paper Award
KATO Chihiro
Reason for selection
“Investigation of changes in soil CO2 concentration by using compact buries tubing soil gas monitoring system”, that was published in the Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Physics No. 124 p25~33 (2013), has been recognized.