[Feb.21] Medical Forum on the Treatment of Cancers at the Community in HIROSAKI


We are very pleased to announce that Medial Forum on the Treatment of Cancers at the Community in HIROSAKI will be held as below.
This medical forum is in series, to develop human resources for cancer in the community, which was adopted by MEXT “Promotion Plan for the Platform of Human Resource Development for Cancer” in 2012 including Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), Akita University, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences. (The leader: TMDU)

MEXT HP: http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/kaikaku/1314727.htm in Japanese

Radiation Therapy on Cancers in the Community ~the Present Condition and the Future Prospects~

February 21th (Sat.), 2015     13:00 ~ 17:00
(Doors open at 12:30 ~)

Hirosaki Park Hotel, 4th Foor “La Mela”
Dotemachi 126, Hirosaki
HP: http://www.imgnjp.com/hiro_park/

Free admittance
Open. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend.
No reservation required


1) Keynote adress
NAKAGAWA Keiichi (The University of Tokyo)

2) Panel Discussion
“Difficulties and the future prospects on Radiation therapy in Tohoku area”
JINGU Keiichi (Tohoku University)
SATO Hisashi (Fukushima Medical University)
ARIGA Hisanori (Iwate Medical University)
AMBAI Akira (Akita University)
AOKI Masahiko (Hirosaki University)

3) Lecture
NEMOTO Kenji (Yamagata University)

Hirosaki University, Akita University

Office for Human Resource Development for Cancer, Hirosaki University
(Student Affairs Division, Graduate School of Medicine)
TEL: +81-172-39-5206
Email: jm5206@hirosaki-u.ac.jp
HP: http://www.med.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/~ganpro2/

Poster (Japanese)
Medical Forum