[Award] Two Master Students, ONO Shinji (M2) and ENDO Takumi (M1), Frontier Materials Chemistry Course, Graduate School of Science and Technology Awarded in The 2014 Annual Meeting of Material Technology of Japan Research Institute
On December 6, 2014, The 2014 Annual Meeting of Material Technology of Japan Research Institute was held at Noda Campus, Tokyo University of Science. Two master students in Frontier Materials Chemistry course, Graduate School of Science and Technology were awarded. Encouragement Prize for Oral Presentation granted to ONO Shinji (M2) and Gold Poster Prize granted to ENDO Takumi (M1).
The award
Encouragement Prize for Oral Presentation
ONO Shinji (M2)
Presentation title
The Solubilizing Power and Aggregation Property of Hybrid Surfactants in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
The award
Gold Poster Prize
ENDO Takumi (M1)
Poster title
The Effect of Hydrophobic-tail Structures on Water Solubilizing Power of Hyperbranched Hydrocarbon Surfactants in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
(http://www.st.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/news/awarded/jusho/141206.html in Japanese)
To find more about Graduate School of Science and Technology, visit at:http://www.st.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/english/e_structure.html