Monday, February 17th, “The 9th committee to think about student counseling” was held for all staff involved in student counseling.within and outside of the University This committee appropriately responds to diversified and complex student counseling. It has been held since 2008 to promote the support system for students and this was the 9th times (2nd times for this year) it had been held. About 60 people including Akita University and other universities joined.
This time, NISHIMURA Yukimi, Associate professor of University of Toyama, Center for Health Care and Human Sciences, Office Director of Toyama Support Center Accessibility and Communication Support, was invited and delivered the lecture “Understanding and Support for developmental disability University Students ~Student counseling based on speciality~.”
At the discussion coordinated by Professor MASTUMOTO, Faculty of Education, Hirosaki University and participated in Director Nishimura, Associate Professor Tanaba, Health Administration Center, many questions were raised about some examples of the support in University of Toyama. It was a profitable opportunity to exchange opinions based on examples from various angles about counseling related to the speciality of developmental disability students.